引用本文:龙登高1,丁春燕1,马 芳2.近代中国经济落后的根源——基于传统经济变迁视角的考察[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2021,(2):37-44
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龙登高1,丁春燕1,马 芳2 (1.清华大学 社会科学学院北京 100084 2.北方民族大学 马克思主义学院宁夏回族自治区,银川 750021 ) 
中文关键词:近代中国  贫穷落后  传统经济
The Origin of Modern China’s Economic Backwardness——An Investigation based on the Perspective of Traditional Economic Change
Abstract:Due to the long-term backwardness of modern China, the mainstream thought in the 20th century was almost attributed to the traditional Chinese system and culture, and regarded it as the root of backwardness, such as the mismatch of resources caused by private property rights, economic disorder caused by the market, traditional culture and modernization Incompatible, even Chinese characters should be abolished. All this perceptual knowledge and political passion have led to long-term misunderstandings and system trial and error. This paper makes a systematic discussion on the basis of comprehensive reflection. The failure to produce the industrial revolution primarily does not mean that the traditional Chinese economy lacks vitality.The countries other than the UK have succeeded in industrialization only through learning. The main reason for the backwardness of the modern economy has been ignored, that is, large-scale wars have led to long-term negative economic growth; the second is the failure of economic transformation to cause turmoil and chaos; the fragmentation of the unified big market has lost the original advantages and replaced it with market fear.
keywords:modern China  economic backwardness  traditional economy
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