引用本文:曹 越1,刘泽惠1,蒋华玲2.“两轮限购”政策是否降低了房地产企业的经营绩效[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2021,(2):57-68
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曹 越1,刘泽惠1,蒋华玲2 (1.湖南大学 工商管理学院湖南 长沙 4100822.中南大学 湘雅三医院湖南 长沙 410013) 
中文关键词:两轮限购  多期双重差分  经营绩效  融资约束
Whether the Two Rounds of Purchase Restriction Policy has Reduced the Business Performance of Real Estate Enterprises
Abstract:This paper uses the multi period double difference model (DID) to test the impact of the two rounds of purchase restriction policy on the business performance of real estate enterprises. The results show that the first round of purchase restriction policy significantly reduces the business performance of real estate enterprises in the short term, but has no obvious effect in the long term; the second round of purchase restriction policy has no significant impact on the business performance of enterprises in the short term, but significantly increases the business performance of real estate enterprises in the long term. Further research on the property right, scale and region of real estate enterprises shows that the first round of purchase restriction policy has a more significant negative impact on the business performance of real estate enterprises in non-state-owned enterprises, small-scale enterprises, provincial capital cities and non-coastal cities, while the positive impact of the second round of purchase restriction policies on real estate enterprises is in state-owned enterprises, large-scale enterprises, non-provincial capitals and coastal cities. The results of expansibility analysis show that increasing (easing) the level of financing constraints is a channel mechanism for the first (second) round of purchase restriction policy to reduce (increase) the operating performance of real estate enterprises.
keywords:two rounds of house purchase limit  multi-period double difference  business performance  financing constraint
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