引用本文:纪 秀 明.近十年生态批评在中国的学术态势分析[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2021,(2):125-131
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纪 秀 明 (大连外国语大学 科研处辽宁 大连 116004) 
中文关键词:生态批评  中国  态势  转向
A Brief Review of the Academic Status and Trend of Ecocriticism in China in the Last Decade
Abstract:By comparing the statistical data, this paper aims to analyze the development trends and turns of contemporary Western ecocriticism in China. Based on the statistical data of research papers published in the last decade on CNKI and with reference to the parameters and data of the past thirty years (1979-2008), we make a quantitative research of ecocriticism in China and put forward four academic turns of Western ecocriticism in China: 1) the turn to more profound issues; 2) the turn to academic frontiers; 3) the rise of Chinese experience and discursive subjectivity; 4) the turn to philosophy and sociology. Finally, we make a prediction on the direction of Chinese ecocriticism: advantgarding, socialization, and sinicization (traditional resource retrieval and ideology).
keywords:ecocriticism  China  trends  turns
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