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王顺安,赵子博 (中国政法大学 刑事司法学院北京 100088) 
中文关键词:民族地区  刑事法治  刑事习惯法  刑事和解
Justification and Realization of Criminal Rule of Law in Ethnic Areas
Abstract:The differentiation of the criminal rule of law has always existed in our country as a phenomenon in ethnic areas. The justification of the rule of law in the field of criminal law has practical significance in ethnic areas. People's Republic of China has the necessity and feasibility of implementing the criminal rule of law in ethnic areas. The realization of the criminal rule of law in ethnic areas mainly depends on the criminal customary law in ethnic areas in China. The criminal customary law in ethnic areas can be used as an important reference for restricting conviction and sentencing, and it can be achieved through victim-offender mediation.
keywords:ethnic areas  the rule of criminal law  customary criminal law  victim-offender mediation
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