引用本文:睢苏婕,彭浏宇,谢 蔚.“公司清算模式”下的遗产管理路径探寻[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2021,(2):145-151
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睢苏婕,彭浏宇,谢 蔚 (湘潭大学 法学院湖南 湘潭 411105) 
中文关键词:遗产管理  公司清算  当然继承
A Probe into the Path of Heritage Management under the Company Liquidation Model
Abstract:The design of the heritage management in the Civil Code is too simple. The judicial practice may face difficulties. Based on the similarity of functions, status, rights and obligations between heritage management and company liquidation, the company liquidation rules can be used for reference in the heritage management system. Specifically, the details of the heritage management process can be achieved by confirming the status of the estates administrator's litigation subject;limiting the right of the heirs to dispose of the estates in the heritage management process;clarifying the obligation of the estates administrator of disclosure information;guaranteeing the estates creditor's rights to know and intervention rights.
keywords:heritage management  liquidation of the company  natural succession
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