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朱汉民,[澳大利亚]马兆仁 (湖南大学 岳麓书院,湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:四端说  亲缘选择  仁义  孝悌
Is Kin Selection Confirmatory of the Mencian "Four Sprout" Idea?
Abstract:Kin selection is a profound biological principle, the far-reaching implications of which constitute an important topic faced by contemporary ethicists. Chinese and non-Chinese scholars alike have directed attention to the link between kin selection and Mencian thought, Indeed, there are scholars of both Chinese and non-Chinese who take kin selection to provide strong confirmation of Mencian thought. Given that the "four sprouts" idea is central to Mencian ethics, the following question can be posed: is kin selection confirmatory of the Mencius' idea of the "four sprouts"? Based on our analysis of both the textual grounding of the "four sprouts" idea in the Mencius as well as that of exegeses made in later periods, we conclude that the answer to this question is a qualified "no": kin selection not only fails to be positively confirmatory of the "four sprouts" idea, but rather necessitates contemporary interpreters of the Mencius to down-weight the credences that we assign to many of the various historical readings of the "four sprouts" idea. Such readings, if they are to be compatible with kin selection: will need to place due emphasis on the effects of culture; will need to admit that the "four sprouts" are common to some species other than just humans; and must not take the "four sprouts" to be purely metaphysical. If we are to take kin selection as confirmatory of Mencian thought, we must search for such confirmation somewhere other than in the "four sprouts" idea.
keywords:"four sprouts"  kin selection  Mencius  ren  filial piety
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