引用本文:刘 谦,郝怡冰.工商人类学视野下民营企业品牌管理探究——基于“劲仔”风味小鱼品牌个案研究[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2021,(3):60-66
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刘 谦,郝怡冰 (中国人民大学 社会学理论与方法研究中心北京 100872) 
中文关键词:民营企业  品牌管理  工商人类学
Exploring Brand Management of Private Enterprises from the Perspective of Business Anthropology ——A Case Study of "Jinzai" Flavored Small Fish Brand
Abstract:Brand management is an important part of enterprise production and management activities. Due to their unique growth environment and development tradition, Chinese private enterprises face greater challenges in the market competition, and brand becomes the lifeline of enterprise development. From the cultural perspective of business anthropology, the "Jinzai" brand of Hunan Huawen Food Co., Ltd. is a typical case of private enterprise brand development. By exploring the opportunities and challenges they face in the three stages of development, this paper draws three balances that private enterprises should handle in brand management——The balance between the leader and the caterer of brand marketing, the balance between the physical form of goods and the construction of symbolic system, and the balance between commercial interests and the interests of consumers and workers.
keywords:private enterprises  brand management  business anthropology
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