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宋剑华,杨斯月 (暨南大学 文学院广东 广州 510610) 
中文关键词:都市困境  新文学  “怀乡病”  精神守望
Urban Dilemma and "Nostalgia" in New Literature
Abstract:Modern Chinese local literature is a very complicated literary phenomenon. It has followed the enlightenment of thought and launched a fierce criticism on local culture, and also showed nostalgia for “homesickness” because of the survival dilemma of the creative subjects in modern cities. From "criticism" to "nostalgia" to "returning home", it reflects the new literary writers' re-understanding of the modernity of "Westernization" and the re-understanding of the local Chinese cultural tradition for thousands of years. Therefore, "homesickness" is not a kind of "nostalgia", but a sense of mission to watch the spiritual home consciously. It took cultural genetic factors as the connecting link, and embodied the cultural self-confidence of new literary writers.
keywords:Urban dilemma  new literature  nostalgia disease  spiritual watch
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