引用本文:蔡 虹,张 琳.民事诉讼请求之释明[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2021,(3):133-139
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蔡 虹,张 琳 (中南财经政法大学 法学院湖北 武汉 430073) 
中文关键词:诉讼请求  诉讼标的  释明  法院知法
Interpretations of Civil Claims
Abstract:In civil litigation, as the concentrated embodiment of parties' expected interests, the claim is the direct object of the court's review. At the same time, the claim is closely related to the object of action, but the case substantial category referred to by the object of action is larger than that referred to by the claim, covering the factual contention, the legal relation, the reason of action, and so on. It takes the claim as the primary identification guide and presets the trial scope of the court. Since the court dominates the legal application of dispute facts, neither party shall be obligated to make a claim for "legal evaluation". The court shall explain to parties with the scope of the factual context "described" by the claim and the purpose of action, and guide parties to put forward a complete and appropriate claim for legal evaluation, so as to determine the object of action of the case. The court shall set up certain legal regulations when its interpretation is not standard.
keywords:claim  object of action  court interpretting  court knowing
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