引用本文:李 珂,肖百容.论林语堂小说的感觉叙事[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2021,(4):99-105
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李 珂,肖百容 (湖南师范大学 文学院湖南 长沙 410081) 
中文关键词:感觉  林语堂  生死  升华
On the Sensory Narration of Lin Yutang’s Novels
Abstract:Generally speaking, emotion and thought are not only the starting point and foothold of the events in the novel, but also the motive force of the development of the events.Feeling is only the background and atmosphere. However, in Lin Yutang's novel narration, feeling often becomes the origin, turning point and ending point of the event. Feeling is not merely the decider of the event process, but also the giver of the meaning of the event. In his so called major events life and death and loss, human feelings are discovered and released to realize the sublimation of life. Lin Yutang's sensory narration is vivid, complicated and changeable. They seem to follow some natural procedure which cannot be predicted in advance. It is not the expression of group rationality, but the display of characters' complex personalities, thus it can fully interpret the theme of personality liberation in new literature, continue and innovate the Chinese and Western narrative traditions, and make up and correct some errors in new literature and even modern literature in the world.
keywords:feeling  Lin Yutang  life and death  sublimation
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