附着与隧通——心 智 的 工 作 模 式
引用本文:蔡恒进1,蔡天琪2.附着与隧通——心 智 的 工 作 模 式[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2021,(4):122-128
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蔡恒进1,蔡天琪2 (1.武汉大学 计算机学院湖北 武汉 430072
2.卓尔智联研究院湖北 武汉 432200) 
中文关键词:意识  强人工智能  图灵机  认知坎陷
Bandwagoning and Tunneling: The Working Mode of Mind
Abstract:Deep learning framework accelerates the development of Artificial Intelligence. More and more AI systems have surpassed human beings in professional fields, but whether this path can lead machines to simulate human like intelligence remains unclear. Strong Computationalism asserts that consciousness and intelligence can be physically reduced and that consciousness can even be eliminated, while other scholars like Godel tend to believe that machines cannot emulate or surpass humans. This paper proposes a pair of categories of bandwagoning and tunneling of cognitive attractors or consciousness fragments to explore the working mode of the mind from a new perspective. Cognitive attractors or consciousness fragments are beyond time and space, but at a certain point of time and space, a cognitive attractor can bandwagon to a specific object. Cognitive attractors can be tunneled with each other into a network. As the most primitive and important cognitive attractor, Self is the origin of human consciousness and intelligence. One function of intelligence is to tunnel Self to appropriate objects when situations change.
keywords:consciousness  strong AI  Turing machine  cognitive attractor
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