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武志勇,刘子潇 (华东师范大学 传播学院上海 200241) 
中文关键词:老子思想  《老子》  日本  跨文化传播
The History of the Spread of Lao Zi's Thoughts and Works in Japan
Abstract:This paper reviews the spread track of Lao Zi's thoughts and works in Japan over 1400 years. The close geographical proximity and deep cultural integration provided good conditions for the dissemination of Lao Zi's thoughts and works in Japan. The course of its spread can be divided into three stages: the spread of Lao Zi's thought from the upper class from the 7th to 17th century; From the 17th century to the middle of the 19th century, Lao Zi's works were circulated in the form of annotations.Since the middle of the 19th century, Lao Zi's thought has influenced many aspects of the academic world and society.
keywords:Lao Zi's thoughts  Lao Tzi  Japan  cross cultural communication
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