引用本文:王 启 发.吴澄对《礼记·玉藻》篇的改编及其意义辨析[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2021,(5):110-121
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王 启 发 (中国社会科学院 古代史研究所北京 100101) 
中文关键词:吴澄  礼记纂言  玉藻篇  郑玄  孔颖达
The Implications of Yuan Scholar Wu Cheng’s Revision of “Yu zao” Chapter in Liji
Abstract:Liji Zuanyan was written by Wu Cheng in the Yuan Dynasty, among which 19 chapters of Liji originally written by Dai Sheng in the Han Dynasty were revised, including “Yu zao” Chapter. Wu Cheng classified all the sentences and paragraphs orders in 7 categories, and he adjusted and revised the orders of the sentences and paragraphs from the beginning of “Yu zao” Chapter based on his own interpretations, consequently formed its own logic order. Wu’s revision and classification included not only a reference toLiji Zhu annotated by Zheng Xuan in the Han Dynasty, Liji zhengyi elaborated by Kong Yingda in the Tang Dynasty, and related discoveries and hints explained by the scholars of the Song Dynasty, but also his unprecedented interpretations in accordance with the original texts. By comparison and study, it is easy to disclose the comprehension, rationality, and logic of his adjustment and revision. Wu’s revision is an outstanding text to the commentary of Liji, which has important implications to the history of Chinese classical studies for recognizing and understanding the value of “Yu zao” Chapter in Ritual studies.
keywords:Wu Cheng  Liji Zuanyan  “Yu zao” Chapter  Zheng Xuan  Kong Yingda
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