引用本文:周 骅,王晚霞.论湖湘学派朝鲜传播的内在逻辑——以胡安国《春秋传》为中心[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2021,(5):122-128
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周 骅,王晚霞 (湘潭大学 碧泉书院湖南 湘潭 411105) 
中文关键词:湖湘学派  胡安国  《春秋传》  理学
The Internal Logic of Huxiang School's Dissemination in the Korean Peninsula ——Take Hu An-guo's Chun-qiu Zhuan as an Example
Abstract:Hu An-guo's Chun-qiu Zhuan is the most representative and influential text of Huxiang School in the Southern Song Dynasty. It was not only re-garded as the official final version of the imperial examination in the Song,Yuan and Ming dynasties,but also widely disseminated in the Korean Peninsula,and many editions can still be found.After the Middle Ages,the Korean Peninsula constructed a new political discourse with Neo-Confucianism to replace the core ideological position of Buddhism. After the Southern Song Dynasty, China continued to move toward the historical logic of cultural unity,which laid the foundation for the prosperity of Huxiang School historiography.Hu's Chun-qiu Zhuan inherited the learning of Han Confucianism,abolished the turning of textualism and exegesis,and provided the theoretical logic for the construction of Korean kingship.The realistic political logic of the Korean Peninsula determines that it absorbs the essence of "honoring kingcraft" and "nationalism theory"in Hu's Chun-qiu Zhuan,which is conducive to the Korean Peninsula's self-identity and national identity in the confrontation between the Song,Liao and Jin dynasties.
keywords:Huxiang School  Hu An-guo  Chun-qiu Zhuan  Neo-Confucianism
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