引用本文:林 忠 军.论姚配中的“元”哲学建构与乾嘉易学哲学[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2022,(1):32-41
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林 忠 军 (山东大学 周易与中国古代哲学研究中心山东 济南 250100) 
中文关键词:姚配中  元哲学  乾嘉易学  语言哲学
On the Construction of Yao Peizhong's Yuan Philosophy and the Philosophy of Yi-ology in the Qianjia Period
Abstract:Taking Yao Peizhong as an example, this article discusses the construction of the philosophy system of Yi-ology with the core of "Yuan" in the Qianjia period. Yao Peizhong inherited the tradition of Qianjia school’s Yi-ology, taking Zhengxuan’s Yi-ology as the foundation and integrating the Yi-ology of the Han Dynasty. From “Yuan is the origin of all things” and “Yuan is the origin of the Zhouyi”, to “Yuan is the origin of the Five Classics, the origin of the all families in the Zhou and Qin Dynasty and the origin of Mingtang(ceremonial hall in a palace) and calender in the Yueling(a classic)”, Yao Peizhong constructed a "Yuan" philosophy system with image-numerology and moral principles. Taking Yao Peizhong as the representative of Qianjia scholars, the concept of "Yuan" has two meanings of Confucianism and Taoism. It is not only metaphysical, but also the Qi without separating physical spirit. It is abstract and concrete. Compared with the concept “Taiji” or “Li” in the Song Dynasty, “Yuan” seems to be closer to the real external world. The philosophy system of Yi-ology on this basis contains natural and moral attributes, which are the unity of nature and virtue. The explanation of textual exegesis and image-numerology in Yi-ology classics advocated by Qianjia scholars are not only tools to understand the principles, but also contain the ancient system and cultural knowledge, reflecting the ancients’ cognition of the objective external world.Their textual interpretation reflects the interpreters’ knowledge and and their understanding of the external world. It is similar to the western philosophy of language.
keywords:Yao Peizhong  Yuan philosophy  Qianjia Yi-ology  philosophy of language
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