引用本文:匡 凯.亲子法理念变迁下代孕子女监护权归属问题研究[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2022,(1):132-139
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匡 凯 (中南大学 法学院湖南 长沙 410083) 
中文关键词:亲子法  代孕  儿童利益最大化  收养
A Study of the Custody of Surrogate Children under the Changing Values of Paternity Law
Abstract:The changing trend of the concept of parentage law includes the dilution of the concept of family and blood, the emphasis on the concept of meaningful autonomy, and the increased focus on the stability of social relations in parentage law. The determination of surrogate custody should be based on the "principle of maximizing the interests of the child", which should be based not only on blood relationship, by determining a combination of objective factors from the empirical method using contextual interpretation and analogous application, but also consider the interests of the surrogate parties. The adoption system can be used as a general means of resolving the issue of surrogate custody.
keywords:parentage law  surrogacy  maximizing the interests of the child  adoption
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