引用本文:廖 名 春1,2.荀子非子思孟轲案再鞫[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2022,(2):15-19
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廖 名 春1,2 (1.曲阜师范大学 孔子研究院山东 曲阜 2731652.清华大学 历史系北京 100084 ) 
中文关键词:荀子  非十二子  韩诗外传  
A Re-examination of Xunzi's Criticisms of Zi Si and Meng Ke
Abstract:From the usage of the function word “案” in Xunzi, which is also written as “安” or “按”, the discussion on Zi Si and Meng Ke in the Chapter of Critical Reviews on Twelve Scholars(《荀子·非十二子》) is undoubtedly in line with the grammar of the Pre-Qin Dynasty, and it belongs to the unique language style of Xunzi. From the comparison of the content of the corresponding paragraphs between the Chapter of Critical Reviews on Twelve Scholars and Han Shi Wai Zhuan(《韩诗外传》), it can be seen that the Chapter of Critical Reviews on Twelve Scholars is original, while Han Shi Wai Zhuan is made up of piecemeal texts. The view that the criticism of Zi Si and Meng Ke in Xunzi are the work of descendants of Xun Zi school and denies Xunzi's work as nonsense, which can not stand the test of the documents of the pre-Qin, Qin and Han Dynasties.
keywords:Xunzi  the Chapter of Critical Reviews on Twelve Scholars  Han Shi Wai Zhuan  an(案)
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