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兰甲云1,2,吴慧长2,樊真荣2 (1.湖南大学 岳麓书院 湖南 长沙 4100822.湖南大学 中国礼乐文化传播研究所 湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:阴阳感应  礼乐文化  治理之道
A Study on Yin-Yang Induction Thoughts and Governance in Zhouyi
Abstract:The idea of Yin-Yang interaction in Zhouyi is the key to understanding the way of governance in Zhouyi. The way of governance in Zhouyi is established on the basis of the comprehensive collaborative governance thought of combining the rules of etiquettes with the rules of virtue and the rules of law. The Yin-Yang induction in Zhouyi is regulated by rites and music, and the spirit of the rule of rites and virtue is established on the basis of Yin-Yang induction. The thought of Yin-Yang induction in Zhouyi provides a good psychological and ideological basis for the establishment of rites and music system and the operation of rites and music system.
keywords:Yin and Yang induction  ritual and music culture  the way of governance
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