引用本文:谭朵朵,岳 倩.贸易政策不确定能否倒逼出口企业创新[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2022,(2):64-72
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谭朵朵,岳 倩 (湖南大学 金融与统计学院湖南 长沙 410079) 
中文关键词:贸易政策不确定  出口企业  创新
A Study on Whether Trade Policy Uncertainty Motivates Exporters to Innovate
Abstract:This paper uses the micro data of Chinese export enterprises from 2000 to 2013 to study the impact of uncertain trade policy on enterprise innovation. The results show that the trade policy uncertainty significantly stimulates Chinese export enterprises to innovate. The heterogeneity analysis of different dimensions shows that the trade policy uncertainty has a stronger incentive effect on innovation of the area with high degree of marketization, non-state-owned and labor-resource-intensive export enterprises. Further, from labor costs, financing constraints and government subsidy effect to reveal how trade policy uncertainty motivates export enterprise innovation. The results find that labor costs and government subsidies strengthen the innovative effect of trade policy uncertainty on export enterprises, and financing constraints hinder this effect.
keywords:trade policy uncertainty  export enterprises  innovation
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