引用本文:李 洁.现成品文学发展述评——“非原创天才”的“非创意写作”[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2022,(2):107-112
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李 洁 (宁夏大学 外国语学院宁夏 银川 750021) 
中文关键词:现成品  本雅明  凯奇  歌德史密斯
A Review on the Development of Found Poetics: “Unoriginal Genius” “Uncreative Writing”
Abstract:The “found art” created by Duchamp had a profound influence on the art in the middle and late 20th century. However, almost before and after that time, in literature works using existing texts appeared, that is, found literature. Benjamin constructed the Paris arcade with a quotation montage; Cage reinvented the world of perception of the text by way of “writing through”; Goldsmith’s extreme copying has brought “uncreative writing” to the extreme; Flarf poetry introduced the found literature into the digital age with the help of internet technology and materials. These works not only trigger a rethinking of the writer-reader-text tripartite relationship and “innovation”, but also show the profound imprints left by the economy, culture and technology of different times on the form and content of literary creation.
keywords:found object  Benjamin  Cage  Goldsmith
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