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陈延斌1,陈姝瑾2 (1.江苏师范大学 中华家文化研究院, 江苏 徐州 2211162.江苏师范大学 科文学院,江苏 徐州 221116) 
中文关键词:中华家文化  传统文化  家训  家风  新时代家文化
Traditional Family Culture:Status,Connotation and Time Value
Abstract:Family culture is the cornerstone of traditional Chinese culture and has a profound impact on Chinese society. The family culture of the Chinese nation consists of family education (family instruction) culture, family etiquette culture, family ethics culture, family tradition culture, family history culture, family discipline culture and family learning culture. Although the components of traditional family culture are different in dimension and classification, they permeate each other in content, cross and learn from each other in form, and serve each other and complement each other in function, which jointly supports the construction of Chinese national family culture. The traditional family culture will not lose its positive value due to the changes of the times. It can provide rich nourishment for the construction of family tradition culture with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the cultivation of family virtues and morality, the construction of new family etiquette culture, and the promotion of family etiquette civilization. Absorbing the wisdom of traditional family instruction culture and learning from the carrier of traditional family culture can also benefit construction of today’s family education and family tradition.
keywords:Chinese family culture  traditional culture  family precepts  family tradition  family culture in the new era
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