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渠嵩烽 (上海大学 文学院上海 200444) 
中文关键词:高攀龙  诗歌  拟陶  性理思想
A Brief Discussion on the Poems of the Confucian Gao Panlong of the Donglin School on Imitations of Tao Yuanming
Abstract:Gao Panlong is not only the main leader of the Donglin School in philosophy, his poetry creation also represents the highest level of Donglin School philosophers. Gao Panlong’s poetry is fresh and natural and is famous for imitating Tao Yuanming. Shen Deqian said that his poems learn Tao Yuanming without the intention, the natural interest will be learned, which is not in line with the actual situation of Gao Panlong’s poetry creation. Gao Panlong admired Tao Yuanming very much, and regarded Tao as a bosom friend of another generation. He repeatedly expressed his appreciation for Tao in his poems, and he deliberately learned from Tao in his poetry creation, leaving obvious traces of imitation. Although Gao Panlong is not unintentionally learning Tao Yuanming, Gao’s poems only have the natural and intellectual side of Tao’s poems, and lack the rich, full, sincere and moving emotions in Tao’s poems, so they are not as vivid and durable as Tao’s poems. Their different life situations and Gao Panlong’s philosophical thoughts are closely related.
keywords:Gao Panlong  poetry  imitation of Tao Yuanming  neo-Confucianism
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