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(韩国)黄普基 (湖南师范大学 外国语学院湖南 长沙 410081) 
中文关键词:湖南意象  朝鲜古地图  朝鲜诗歌
Hunan in Ancient Maps of the Joseon Dynasty and the Image of Hunan by Koreans
Abstract:By analyzing the ancient maps and literati poems of the Joseon Dynasty, this paper explores the Korean spatial cognition patterns of the Koreans and the Hunan imagery in their minds. The content mainly includes the Korean regional title of the Koreans, the imagery and humanistic imagery of Hunan, and the Korean values behind it. During the Joseon Dynasty, ancient maps and poems reflected the special image of Hunan in the minds of Koreans. Before modern times, there is little communication between Hunan and North Korea, but Hunan became a spatial background in many Korean literature. The Koreans did not have a strong concept of Hunan. Instead, they were Huguang, Chu and Jingzhou. The landscape of Hunan has won the appreciation of the Koreans. Compared with it, some evaluations of the human environment cannot be matched. These phenomena are mainly derived from the unique Confucian values of the Koreans and the Korean Chinese political attitudes and landscape evaluation standards.
keywords:Hunan image  the ancient maps of the Joseon Dynasty  Korea poetry
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