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尹华容,王惠民 (湘潭大学 法学院湖南 湘潭 411105) 
中文关键词:大数据  数据权力  法律规制
The Rise, Alienation and Regulation of Data Power
Abstract:With the development of big data technology, the ability to record and process massive data is unprecedentedly powerful, forming an emerging social power that can dominate social resources and guide public behavior. Data power is based on the advantages of controlling and processing massive data. On the one hand, the value of data has become an important factor in promoting economic development, social management, and technological innovation. On the other hand, the characteristics of data power expansion, extensiveness, opacity, exclusivity and soft power, as well as the lack of effective legal regulation, have resulted in the risks of data surveillance, data deception, data market monopoly, privatization of public power. To regulate data power, the public-private combination path of giving citizens data rights, improving procedural mechanisms, strengthening administrative supervision, and reducing litigation barriers should be applied to achieve a balance between the application of data value and the protection of data rights and interests.
keywords:big data  data power  legal regulation
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