“双碳”目标实现的市场化路径 及其制度完善
引用本文:郑鹏程,张妍钰.“双碳”目标实现的市场化路径 及其制度完善[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2022,(4):107-112
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郑鹏程,张妍钰 (湖南大学 法学院,湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:“双碳目标”  碳排放交易  配额分配  信息披露
The Marketization Path of the Realization of “Dual Carbon” Goal and its System Improvement
Abstract:Compared to command and control mechanism such as mandatory emission standards,discharge permit system and market incentive mechanism such as subsidies and carbon tax,carbon emission trading is more flexible,more sustainable and hence more effective achieving the “dual carbon” goal.With 20 years of exploration,China has formed its “dual-track system” of carbon emission trading system,which is mainly based on the quota carbon emission trading system and supplemented by the project carbon emission trading system.However,the current system faces challenges such as inefficient enforcement and unsatisfactory real effect. In view of this,it is necessary to improve the system of target setting standard,the auction system for initial allocation of carbon quotas,the information disclosure system of carbon emission trading and the carbon emission trading reward and punishment mechanism.
keywords:“dual carbon”  carbon emission rights trading  quota allo-cation  information disclosure
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