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董京波,苏希春 (中国政法大学 国际法学院北京 100088) 
中文关键词:GDPR  域外效力  设立标准  目标指向标准  跨境数据流动规则  涉欧互联网企业
Challenges and Responses to the Extraterritorial Effect of GDPR on Chinese Internet Enterprises
Abstract:In Europe, the extraterritorial effect of the GDPR has been greatly expanded, which directly builds an extraterritorial jurisdiction over Chinese internet enterprises. In the case of cross-border transfer of personal data , cross-border data flow rules play an alternative role in protecting EU data. Eu-related Chinese Internet companies face with great challenges brought by the combination of the two rules , which need to operate in compliance with GDPR. China should establish extraterritorial effect rules and emphasize the role of the court in building the extraterritorial effect rules. EU-related Chinese Internet companies should make business choices based on their own conditions, determine whether they fall within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of GDPR, comply with the specific GDPR rules applicable to their business and consider SCCs and BCRs to meet compliance requirements under GDPR.
keywords:GDPR  extraterritorial effect  establishment criteria  targeting criteria  cross-border data flow rules  European-related Internet companies
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