引用本文:晋海学,张 璐.主体的构建:吴趼人小说中的“怪现状”与“文明境界”[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2022,(5):104-111
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晋海学,张 璐 (河南师范大学 文学院河南 新乡 453007) 
中文关键词:主体  吴趼人  恢复我固有之道德  怪现状  文明境界
Construction of Subjectivity: “Strange Status Quo” and “Civilized Realm” in Wu Jianren’s Novels
Abstract:Most of Wu Jianren’s novels centered on the cultural proposition of “restoring our inherent morality”. The “strange status quo” and “civilized realm” are the two symbolic manifestations of this cultural proposition. The phenomenon of “strange status quo” is a cultural portrait of the society in the late Qing Dynasty. The novelist revealed the fact of the declination of Confucian culture in the late Qing Dynasty through the device of “inherent morality”, which constitutes the logical starting point of “restoring” Confucian cultural subjectivity. The “civilized realm” is the cultural imagination of the future country. The novelist expresses the cultural content of the new subject and its generation process through the narration of the integration of moral prosperity and technological development. Both themes of “strange status quo” and “civilized realm” in the Wu’s novels have the quality of being material, but their presented meaning is metaphysical.
keywords:subjectivity  Wu Jianren  restore our inherent morality  strange status quo  civilized realm
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