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陈灿平,温新宇 (天津财经大学 法学院天津 300222) 
中文关键词:生产、销售有毒有害食品罪  刑法罪名的立法完善  危害公共安全罪  法经济学中的威慑理论
Legislation Improvement of the Crimes of Producing and Selling Toxic and Harmful Food From the Perspective of Laws and Economics
Abstract:There are higher and stricter requirements for punishing food safety crimes in the latest national laws. Through research on the crimes of producing or selling toxic or harmful food, the core charge of food safety crimes in criminal law, from the perspective of economics of law, this is expected to inspire better legislation. According to the deterrence theory and other economics of law theories, the crime should be included in the chapter of crimes against public security because of the shift in its legal interests. The subject of crimes should be extended to operators, the protection object should be specified as pregnant women. In certain circumstances, it can be combined with the crime of unlawful possession of ingredients or additives that endanger food safety. In the design of the penal system, emphasis should be placed on the efficiency and effectiveness of punishment. The previous liberty penalty as the main penalty, supplemented by property and life penalties can be adjusted to liberty and property penalties as the main penalty, supplemented by life penalty. If necessary, there should be clearer provisions on occupational prohibition penalties, and a greater property penalty such as fines for offenders with obvious profit-making motives.
keywords:the crime of producing and selling toxic and harmful food  legislation improvement  crime against public security  deterrence theory in the analysis of law and economics
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