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刘克兵1,2 (1.南京大学 历史学院江苏 南京 2100232.怀化学院 马克思主义学院湖南 怀化 418008 ) 
中文关键词:朱熹  知识  信仰  
The Ideological and Rational Ways of Integration Between Knowledge and Belief by Zhu Xi
Abstract:In Zhu Xi’s ideological system, the direct result of acquiring knowledge is to show and understand the principle in the mind. Principle is the object of knowledge. Knowledge is acquired and expanded in the process of recognizing the principle of everything, and expanding knowledge is the process of perfecting beliefs. Therefore, in Zhu Xi’s epistemology, knowledge and belief have the same target and goal—principle. It is on this understanding that Zhu Xi advocates the work of both inside and outside spiritual exercises of self-cultivation, respect and investigating things, studying the principle exhaustively, that is,by investigating things and studying the principle exhaustively, the subject can rise and leap from all principles of knowledge accumulation to one principle;and keep the belief of heavenly principle a godly attitude inside, also can create conditions for the subject to acquire knowledge; thus, opening up the road from the concrete principle knowledge of reality to the ultimate and transcendence belief-“heavenly principle ”, realizing the integration and leap from knowledge to belief.
keywords:Zhu Xi  knowledge  belief  principle
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