引用本文:刘 强.高校科技成果混合所有制中科研团队法律地位研究——以契约型科研团队为视角[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(1):139-146
摘要点击次数: 192
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刘 强 (中南大学 法学院湖南 长沙 410083) 
中文关键词:高校  科技成果  混合所有制  科研团队  法律地位
Research on the Legal Status of Scientific Research Teams in the Mixed Ownership of Scientific and Technological Achievements of Universities——From the Perspective of Contractual Type Scientific Research Teams
Abstract:In the mixed ownership of scientific and technological achievements of universities, scientific research teams possessing the legal status of subjects can promote the realization of the expansion of the subjects of employee invention patents. The contractual type scientific research teams can be granted the legal status of civil subjects, so as to promote the collection of joint ownership rights of the scientific researchers in employee invention patents and balance the negotiating position between the parties. The contractual type scientific research teams have the characteristics of intermediary in the legal status and the exercise of rights, and the scientific researchers can exercise their rights through the voting mechanism. The contractual type scientific research teams becoming legal subjects can enhance the legal effect of the parties’ agreement on the joint ownership share of employee invention patents and promote the reasonable distribution of the benefits of the joint ownership of employee invention patents.
keywords:universities  scientific and technological achievements  mixed ownership  scientific research team  legal status
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