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郑彬睿 (中共海南省委党校 公共管理教研部海南 海口 571116) 
中文关键词:数字经济  平台经济监管  大国竞争  党的二十大  总体国家安全观
Digital Platform Economy Regulatory Dilemmas and Solutions
Abstract:The current platform economy faces multiple dilemmas, such as lagging regulatory thinking, dependence on traditional regulatory regimes, and increasing competition among great powers. How to build up a regulatory system of platform economy that can stimulate vitality and guarantee national security? This is the core question that China’s platform economy development needs to explore at the stage. Regulations need to follow the guidelines of the holistic view of national security, combined with the new global corporate social responsibility framework such as ESG and make efforts in the three aspects of institution construction, technological empowerment and international cooperation. To accelerate platform economy development, governments must embrace technology to help enterprises comply with regulations, strengthen international cooperation, upgrade the national security protection system, and pave a new way for social prosperity.
keywords:digital economy  platform economy regulation  great power competition  The Twentieth Party Congress  holistic view of national security
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