引用本文:高 源.百年芬兰文老学译介源流研究[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(2):109-116
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高 源 (上海交通大学 人文学院上海 200240) 
中文关键词:芬兰  老学  道家  源流谱系  比较经学
The Centennial Retrospective on the History of Finnish Studies of Laoism
Abstract:As a valuable engine for the development of Nordic studies of Laoism, the Finnish context played a crucial role in history. Regarding the original texts of Centurial Finnish translations of Laoism, we could find two underlying sources. One was the source of the European paraphrasing editions; the other was the practical approach by Finnish missionaries in China during the early twentieth century. The interaction of these two sources produced a far-reaching impact for modern Finnish translations of Taoist writings, in which Pertti Nieminen, Arponen Annikki and Minna Maijala should be singled out. As a new research approach, Han tombs of Ma-wang-dui occupied much weight in modern Finnish studies of Laoism. By a comprehensive survey of the centurial Finnish translations, I argue that the Finnish context reflects multidimensional approaches of pushing “Tao” waves toward European societies, which opens a new horizon for understanding the Sino-Nordic philosophical dialogue on ultimate being of ontology as well as their related core values.
keywords:Centurial  studies of Laoism  Taoist  genealogy of editions  comparative scriptures
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