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易学尧 (长沙理工大学 建筑学院、设计艺术学院湖南 长沙 410076) 
中文关键词:左篆  审美伦理  伦理旨趣  湖湘精神  美德伦理
The Aesthetic Ethics of Zuo Zongtang’s Seal Script Is Weak
Abstract:Xiao Zhuan reflects the spiritual characteristics and aesthetic image of Chinese traditional culture, it emphasizes ethics and morality and artistic taste which is the characteristic of aesthetic ethics. From the origin and development process of Xiao Zhuan, it came into being in the Qin Dynasty, xing in the Tang Dynasty, sheng in the Qing Dynasty, after several ups and downs, it showed the different aesthetic ethical characteristics. Zuo Zongtang’s seal script is on the basis of the previous generation calligrapher, the ancient new “left seal character”. As a relic of calligraphy art, Zuo Zhuan has rich aesthetic ethics, rich in the aesthetic ethical spirit of “harmony with reason and reason”, the aesthetic ethical norms of “combining hardness and softness, moderate and moderate”, and the aesthetic ethical realm of “both literary quality and unity of beauty and good”. As the carrier of realistic art, Zuo Zhuan has the contemporary value of showing the spirit of Hunan, highlighting the moral quality of virtue and declaring the effect of educational ethics. As a model of aesthetic ethics, Zuo Zhuan highlights the ethical value and ethical charm of Chinese seal script art, “the unity of knowledge and practice, calligraphy and Taoism”.
keywords:Zuo Zhuan  aesthetic ethics  ethical purport  Hunan spirit  virtue ethics
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