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徐国正,范张欣 (湖南大学 马克思主义学院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:社会主义意识形态  引领力  建设路径
The Path of Developing Socialist Ideology with the Power to Inspire the People
Abstract:Developing socialist ideology with the power to unite and inspire the people is a strategic requirement to promote cultural self-confidence and self-improvement, and to create a new brilliance in socialist culture. For the new era and new journey, the world experiences the accelerated evolution of the unprecedented changes in a century, the endless emergence of new problems in social and economic development, and the increasingly prominent limitations of the development of network virtual technology. We should adhere to the guidance of Marxism and further strengthen the leadership of socialist ideology and vigorously promote theoretical innovation and further enhance the explanatory power of socialist ideology. We will continue to innovate ways and means to further enhance the publicity of socialist ideology.
keywords:socialist ideology  the power to inspire the people  developing path
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