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尹华容,周琪翔 (湘潭大学 法学院湖南 湘潭 411105) 
中文关键词:信访  全过程人民民主  核心要义  时代价值
The Core Meaning and Era Value of XI Jinping’s Important Discourse on Petition Work
Abstract:The new era urgently calls for strengthening and improving the petition work. XI Jinping’s important discourse on the petition work responds to the needs of the era and effectively guides the petition work. The core elements of XI Jinping’s important discourse on petition work can boil down to mass theory , public opinion theory , supervision theory , governance theory and rule of law theory , which have a close logical connection. XI Jinping’s important discussion on petition work clarifies the functional positioning of petition system, stimulates the sense of mission and achievements of petition workers, and is a guide for petition work.
keywords:petition  people’s democracy in the whole process  core meaning  era value
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