引用本文:曾欢欢,王 欣.书院精神内蕴与历史流变研究[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(3):34-40
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曾欢欢,王 欣 (湖南大学 马克思主义学院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:书院  精神  内蕴  历史流变
Research on Spiritual Connotations of Chinese Academy and Its Historical Change
Abstract:Chinese academies,the history of which can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty, were cultural and educational organizations in ancient China, integrating the functions of talent training, academic innovation and cultural dissemination.Along with the constant changes of their characteristics and functions in their development in history, the spiritual connotation of Chinese academies showed different characteristics in different era. However,different from traditional government-run schools in ancient time, Chinese academies kept their core of the spiritual connotation, namely,the ideal of moral education and the pursuit for knowledge innovation, unchanged.To be more specific, this core of the spiritual connotation is embodied in the spirit of humanistic moral education, the spirit of independent academic research, the spirit of seeking truth from facts, the spirit of opening-up and inclusiveness, and the spirit of patriotism. As the cultural and educational organization in ancient China, the spiritual core is the most unique, ideological and ever-lasting character and connotation of Chinese academy , and the most subtle internal motivation and ideological foundation for its development.
keywords:Chinese academy  spirit  connotation  historical changes
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