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龙朝阳,李昱坤 (湘潭大学 公共管理学院湖南 湘潭 411105) 
中文关键词:个人账户  养老金财富  性别差异  延迟退休
Gender Differences in Pension Wealth of Individual Accounts of Urban Employees
Abstract:Using labor market survey data to examine the gender characteristics of individual initial wage levels, and to study the gender differences in pension wealth of individual accounts for urban employees. The results indicate that under the current system, female employees who retire according to the legal age have lower net pension wealth, and extending the retirement age actually increases the net pension wealth of male and female employees’ individual accounts, and the extension of each year brings more pension net wealth increase to male employees. It is recommended to establish a reasonable salary increase mechanism and maternity compensation mechanism, and design differentiated retirement age rules for male and female employees in different accounts.
keywords:individual account  pension wealth  gender difference  delayed retirement
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