引用本文:胡 吉 亚.新一代信息技术产业融资模式的创新绩效研究[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(3):61-71
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胡 吉 亚 (中国社会科学院大学 金融研究所北京 102488) 
中文摘要:目前,我国新一代信息技术产业的各种外源融资模式中仍存在一些问题: 财政补贴重“面”略“点”、信贷融资结构欠佳、股权融资过于集中、商业信用融资“断链”“短链”。实证研究结果显示,企业规模对于企业创新有显著的促进作用,而股权融资变量却与被解释变量呈显著负相关关系,其他解释变量与被解释变量不相关。基于此,新一代信息技术产业融资模式的优化要以创新改革财税支持模式,提高资金使用绩效;以区块链技术嵌入信息平台,创新信贷融资模式;以股权激励促进研发创新,增强产业核心竞争力;以技术链创新发展反哺产业链,加固产业链韧性。
中文关键词:新一代信息技术  产业  创新  股权融资  信贷融资
Research on Innovative Performance of Financing Model of New Generation Information Technology Industry
Abstract:At present, there are still some problems in various external financing models of China’s new generation of information technology industry, such as financial subsidies focusing on surface rather than point , poor credit financing structure, excessive concentration of equity financing, broken chain and short chain of commercial credit financing. The empirical results show that endogenous financing, credit financing and firm size have a significant promoting effect on firm innovation, while the equity financing variable is significantly negatively correlated with the explained variable. Based on this, it is suggested that the optimization of the financing mode of the new generation information technology industry should innovate and reform the fiscal and tax support mode to improve the performance of capital use; embed the blockchain technology into the information platform and innovate the credit financing mode; promote R&D innovation by equity incentive and enhance the core competitiveness of the industry; feed back industrial chain by developing technology chain, and strengthen the tenacity of the industrial chain.
keywords:new generation information technology  industry  innovation  equity financing  credit financing
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