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展鹏贺,罗小坤 (湖南大学 法学院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:平台监管  分级规制  比例原则  风险防范
The Legal Logic and Path Improvement of Hierarchical Regulation of Internet Platforms——Comparative Observation Based on the EU Digital Services Act
Abstract:In the era of digital economy, inclusive and prudential regulation has become an important element in the construction of rule of law government, which reflects the government’s governance capacity and governance level. Specifically, in the field of Internet platform regulation, the principle of proportionality embodied in the concept of inclusive and prudent requires legislators to fully consider the differences between different Internet platforms and allocate a reasonable system of obligations in the selection of specific regulatory models. Under the perspective of comparative law, according to the differences in the scale of platform users, the EU Digital Services Act creatively configures a graded system of platform obligations and regulatory responsibilities under the goal of risk prevention to realize the fine institutional arrangement of the principle of proportionality. In comparison, although the platform hierarchical supervision in China has begun to take shape, the distance between the substantive and procedural provisions to achieve the goal of platform regulation still exists. The pattern of strong graded regulation concept and weak governance specification design has not yet been broken. So with the improvement of relevant substantive and procedural provisions in the specific system design, the additional diligence obligations of mega platforms in terms of algorithmic transparency and data reporting are conducive to handling the relationship between the economic development of platforms and strong government regulation, which is beneficial for the good interaction between government regulation and platform self-regulation.
keywords:platform regulation  hierarchical regulation  proportionality principle  risk prevention
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