引用本文:李 春 草.夏目漱石汉诗的道家意蕴与“则天去私”思想[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(3):88-93
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李 春 草 (中山大学 外国语学院广东 广州 510275) 
中文关键词:夏目漱石    白云乡  道家  则天去私
Taoist Implications and taking heaven to private in Natsume Soseki’s Chinese Poems
Abstract:Natsume Soseki wrote more than 200 Chinese poems , which showed his equal Sinology foundation. His Chinese poems are slightly different from his expressions of ambition, which contains his spiritual world and life sentiment, especially the spirit of seeking Tao and Taoism, which highlights the theme characteristics of Soseki’s Chinese poems. For example, the description of Bai Yunxiang , an ideal hometown in the poem, reveals a strong Taoist implication. Soseki’s Tao is a transcendent realm of abandoning subjective obsession and obeying Tao and nature. The Bai Yunxiang , which is different from the earthly customs, is the clarity of spiritual freedom, which is homogeneous with Zhuangzi’s Tao remote travel of taking things to swim the heart . Therefore, the thought of taking heaven to private advanced by him in his later period is the sublimation of enlightenment and the embodiment of Taoist philosophy of his outlook on life, literature and art.
keywords:Natsume Soseki  Tao  Bai Yunxiang  Taoism  taking heaven to private
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