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廖茂忠,伍笛凯 (中山大学 马克思主义学院广东 广州 510275) 
中文关键词:中国共产党精神谱系  中华民族共同体意识  唯物史观  正确党史观
The Spiritual Pedigree of the Communist Party of China Casting the Chinese National Community Consciousness of the Historical Interpretation
Abstract:The spiritual pedigree of the Communist Party of China is rich in connotation and distinctive in character,which runs through the whole process of national rejuvenation, manifesting the powerful spiritual tension of casting the community of destiny of the Chinese nation.Starting from the historical thinking of historical materialism, firstly,to understand the laws of history and clarify the necessary logic,the spiritual pedigree of the Communist Party of China is the red gene, the spiritual guidance and the historical carrier for cast the Chinese national community consciousness.Secondly,to explore the historical implications to clarify the core meaning,casting the Chinese national community consciousness with the spiritual pedigree of the Communist Party of China, contains scientificity, identity,value and creativity.Thirdly,to grasp the historical trend and embark on the journey of the times, the practice can be carried out according to the mechanism link of cognition-emotion-value .
keywords:spiritual pedigree of the Communist Party of China  Chinese national community consciousness  historical materialism  correct view of party history
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