引用本文:黎 红 霞.孔子的礼乐人生模式[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(3):103-111
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黎 红 霞 (湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:        人生模式
Confucius’s Life Model of Rites and Music
Abstract:The Book of Poetry in the pre-Qin period may be comparable to today’s textbook , and Confucius said that if you do not study The Book of Poetry, you won’t be able to talk properly with others ; In ancient society, Li (rites) sets the behavior norms of members of all classes, and as Confucius said that If you do not learn rites, you won’t be a complete man . From fifteen, Confucius learned The Book of Poetry and rites , and then yue (music) to achieve harmony , to reach the realm of unity of the rites,music and people , and then to Sincerity and Discernment , and finally do what he intends freely without breaking the rules , to achieve the Zhongyong (Golden Mean), this is Confucius’s life model of rites and music . This paradigm has its origins,and is not out of reach, everyone can achieve it through fixing the mind on learning by earnestly seeking it.
keywords:learning  the Book of Poetry  li(rites)  yue(music)  life model
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