引用本文:柯 萌.“利己主义者”的自由为何是虚幻的?——论马克思对施蒂纳自由观的批判与超越[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(3):112-118
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柯 萌 (同济大学 马克思主义学院上海 200092) 
中文关键词:自由  利己主义  历史唯物主义  自由人的联合体
Why is the Freedom of Egoists Illusory?—On Marx’s Criticism and Transcendence of Stirner's View of Freedom
Abstract:Stirner's criticism of Person in Abstract of liberalism and his attention to Person in Reality virtually promoted Marx to surpass humanistic philosophy and deeply reflect on the subject of freedom—the Person in Reality . Marx found that the Person in Reality in Stirner's mind— The Ego was still abstract and divorced from the real conditions; therefore, the alliance of egoists he envisioned could not achieve real freedom. After the discovery of historical materialism, Marx realized that the Person in Reality must engage in material production and form a historical social relations in it, how much freedom people can obtain depends on the situation of productivity and social relations. Only by carrying out the proletarian revolution on the basis of highly developed productivity, which aims to eliminate private ownership, break unreasonable social relations, and build a community of free individuals with the unity of individual and society, can people's liberation be finally realized.
keywords:freedom  egoism  historical materialism  community of free individuals
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