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王月明,唐瑞芳 (华东政法大学 法律学院上海 200042) 
中文关键词:大数据时代  个人信息保护  必要性原则
Paradox and Transcendence of the Principle of Minimum Necessity in the Era of Big Data
Abstract:The principle of minimum necessity and its rules have sparked a fierce conflict with the conceptual goals and operational rules of personal information protection in the era of big data. In the era of big data, it is necessary to build a reasonable and necessary mechanism for collecting and processing personal information, examine the reasonable range of necessary information in the public interest, achieve a balance between conceptual goals and regulatory measures based on the principle of proportionality, update the implementation mechanism of necessary principles based on specific situations, promote the principle of necessity to transcend and sublimate in the trend of big data, and achieve the dual goals of personal information protection and the survival and development of the digital society.
keywords:the era of big data  personal information protection  the principle of necessity
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