引用本文:尤 婷.环境纠纷指导性案例中的利益衡量方法及其运用优化[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(3):134-141
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尤 婷 (中南大学 法学院湖南 长沙 410083) 
中文关键词:环境纠纷  指导性案例  利益衡量方法  运用优化
The Method of Measuring Interests in the Guiding Cases of Environmental Disputes and Its Application Optimization
Abstract:Interest measurement is a subjective method of judgment. The use of interest measurement in guiding cases of environmental disputes can provide some objective criteria for similar cases and achieve the same judgment in the same case . At present, the guiding cases of environmental disputes have been elaborated in detail in terms of balancing specific interests, logical steps and operational methods by using the method of interest measurement, which can provide a template for judicial activities. The use of the method of interest measurement in the guiding cases of environmental disputes has the functions of reasonable interpretation of laws, resolution of legal conflicts, and remedy of legal loopholes. However, when using the method of interest measurement in the guiding cases of environmental disputes, there are some defects such as lack of macro thinking orientation, unclear interest standards, inadequate reasoning and defective objection expression system. For this reason, in the future environmental dispute guidance cases, on the basis of clarifying the reasonable positioning of interest measurement, we should further improve the elements of interest measurement, strengthen the reasoning of interest measurement in the judgment documents, and make innovations to standardize the interest measurement in the environmental dispute guidance cases.
keywords:environmental disputes  guiding case  balance of interests  application optimization
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