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刘红玉1,兰甲云2 (1.湖南大学 马克思主义学院湖南 长沙 410082 2. 湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:元宇宙  提升  中华文化对外传播力
The Strategy of Promoting the External Dissemination of Chinese Culture in the Meta-universe Era
Abstract:The cultural dissemination in the era of the meta-universe has the characteristics of wide radiation range, rapid propagation speed, enhanced attraction and high interactive stickiness. The external communication of Chinese culture is faced with many opportunities and challenges. In order to grasp the opportunity, and enhance the ability of Chinese culture to communicate with the outside world, we must strengthen the top-level design, accelerate the formation of a strategic alliance for cultural innovation in the meta-universe, and construct a multi-dimensional coordinated communication system with distinctive Chinese characteristics, to form a strong joint force in the external dissemination of Chinese culture, trace the cultural roots of the Chinese nation, refine and display the spiritual signs and world values of Chinese culture, build cultural brands and enhance the appeal of Chinese culture.
keywords:meta-universe  promotion  Chinese culture external dissemination
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