引用本文:何 毅1,2,杨羽航2.长征精神引领干部教育的三维解读——基于长征精神对伟大建党精神的弘扬与赓续[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(4):1-8
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何 毅1,2,杨羽航2 (1.四川师范大学 巴蜀文化研究中心 四川 成都 6100662.四川师范大学 马克思主义学院 四川 成都 610066) 
中文关键词:长征精神  建党精神  干部教育  引领
A Three dimensional Interpretation of the Long March Spirit Leading Cadre Education—Promotion and Continuation of the Great Party Founding Spirit based on the Long March Spirit
Abstract:The great Long March spirit is a crystallization of the wisdom of carrying forward and continuing the great Party founding spirit, and it is in line with the new era of cadre education and mutual achievement. The Long March spirit leads the high quality development of cadre education in the new era with its magnificent heroic spirit and heavy historical connotation, and plays an important role in nurturing the roots and strengthening the bones of cadres. The spirit of the Long March leads cadre education in terms of beliefs, qualities and working methods, and forges the cadre force that is worthy of heavy responsibilities of the times. The spirit of the Long March leads the education of cadres, and in terms of belief, it strengthens the ideals of communism and patriotism; in terms of quality, it promotes the precious qualities of defiance and solidarity; and in terms of working methods, it inherits the working methods of seeking truth from facts and the mass line.
keywords:the Long March spirit  Party founding spirit  cadre education  leading
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