引用本文:赵 海 全.党章宣誓的渊源、机理与制度体系构筑[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(4):9-18
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赵 海 全 (中国政法大学 法学院北京 100088) 
中文关键词:党章宣誓  对党忠诚  政治仪式  自我革命  政治认同
Origin, Mechanism and Construction of the Public Pledge of allegiance to the Party Constitution
Abstract:“Be loyal to the Party” is not only the primary political character of the proletarian party members, but also a considerable guarantee for the long-term governance of the party. Party’s Constitution is the law of the Party with the supreme validity, and loyalty to Party’s Constitution is an important form of “be loyal to the Party”. The appearance of the oath in the political ceremony embodies the transformation of human cognition of the oath from nature worship to the modernity of political civilization.The oath system of the Party Constitution has become an effective way to guide and educate Party members to keep political loyalty, which is rooted in such factors as the performativity of the oath language, the ethical value of the oath ceremony and the empathy of the oath act. Therefore, it is necessary to build the Party Constitution oath system which runs through the whole process of Party members’ “political life” on the basis of the existing Party membership oath system, so as to make it an important systematic guarantee of Party members’ “be loyal to the Party” .
keywords:public pledge of allegiance to the Party Constitution  be loyal to the Party  political ceremony  self-reform  political identity
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