引用本文:王 建,李静怡.文献流动性视域下清华简中之楚文化特征[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(4):19-23
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王 建,李静怡 (湖南师范大学 文学院湖南 长沙 410081) 
中文关键词:文献  清华简  楚文化
The Characteristics of Chu Culture in Tsinghua’s Bamboo Slips from the Perspective of Document Fluidity
Abstract:From the perspective of literature, the regional “fluidity” reflected in the text of Tsinghua’s Bamboo Slips is very obvious, which reveals the role of Chu culture in it. As a group of pre-Qin literature circulated and written in Chu, Tsinghua’s Bamboo Slips reflects the influence of regional culture on the text generation process of the Warring States literature groups to a certain extent. The “stratified” research on characteristics of regional “fluidity” can be conducted through the form and content of text. The former is mainly reflected in the characters and title attributes of Tsinghua’s Bamboo Slips, such as the character of Chu, the compilation of articles. While the latter is expressed through the color of sorcery, the thought of “ Mohist of Chu” and the poetry teaching of Chu.
keywords:the literature  Tsinghua’s Bamboo Slips  Chu culture
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