引用本文:陈 树.古写本《尚书》与罗振玉的学术贡献[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2023,(4):24-31
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陈 树 (扬州大学 文学院江苏 扬州 225002) 
中文关键词:罗振玉  尚书  敦煌本  日钞本
On the Manuscripts of Shangshu and the Academic Contribution of Luo Zhenyu
Abstract:The spread of Shangshu is complicated, which has always been a difficult problem in the Confucian classics. Duan Yucai and Ruan Yuan, the famous Confucians in the Qing Dynasty, worked hard at textual research on Shangshu, but due to the lack of materials, many issues concerning Shangshu in the Middle Ages are still hanging. Access to new materials is the key to academic breakthroughs. Luo Zhenyu, a Dunhuang scholar in late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China,discovered remained manuscripts of Shangshu, and then proved that the Japanese manuscripts are ancient and credible, which opened up a new path for the textual research on Shangshu. Mr Luo collected and printed four kinds of manuscripts in French and in Japan, which laid the material foundation for the research on Shangshu in modern times. Relying on his profound learning, he applied the academic ideas of double evidence method, the combination of east and west ancient manuscripts, the mutual proof of unearthed and handed down documents to explore the origin of characters, correct the errors of different texts, check the connection of texts and identify the authenticity of the text. Luo Zhenyu made the achievements surpassing the predecessors, and effectively promoted the modern transformation of the research mode in Shangshu.
keywords:Luo Zhenyu  Shangshu  Dunhuang manuscripts  Japanese manuscripts
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